A few years back I took an illustrative painting class with Cathy Gendron. One of our assignments was to create an illustration for an article about the feral chickens on Key West in Florida. One of the controversial solutions was to pay citizens to round up the chickens without harming them. I thought it would be funny to portray a cowboy "roundup" from the chicken's viewpoint. I guess you could say the chicken wants to be SAVED from the cowboys!

It's acrylic on cold press illustration board.
A fun concept for sure, but I'm really drawn to the undertone colors in this one. It makes for a really rich palette.
Great job! This is a very neat perspective and I adore the facial expression of the chicken!!
Fabulous! I like the contrast colors of the cowboy and the chicken. It's really highlighted the poor chicken in fear.
This is great! An excellent illustration!
Marcyanna, I love it! That Key West chicken is adorable!!! Those chickens were what I loved the best about Key West!
I'm so glad you posted an illustration for Illustration Friday!! I'm still working on mine, and I hope to get it in on time!!
THis Kicks ass!!! Great Job. Your blog looks awesome. You are so sweet, thank you very much for your kind words. Do you mind if i link you?
Run chicken run! Great illustration!
LOL!! Poor chick! I hope it got away. Great illo!
Congratulations on being chosen for Pick of the Week at IF.
Woohoo! congrats on the pick of the week.
Wow! great illustration!
Excellent choice for pick of the week! The cowboys look ominous in the dark, looming background. Great job! I'll bet that chicken thinks the sky is falling!
Hehe! Congrats, well done!
Brilliant illustration on so many levels. The colors used perfectly to pop the poor lil chicken. Bravo and congrats!
Really beautiful and it kind of looks like a print.Congratulations on being pick of the week!!!
Hey Marcyanna! Fantastic illo! BTW, nice stuff for your Cafepress shop too!
thanks again for adding me to your links, i've done the same for you!
Thanks so much everyone! What a great surprise! Thanks for all of your nice comments! Happy Creating to all!
Interesting and meaningful :)
I love the ominous shadows that are the cowboys. Nice Illustration.
I really like your illustration! Congratulations!- John
cool stuff here!
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