Today I was reflecting on my yoga practice. I was contemplating the the idea of "letting things be as they are", a phrase quoted often by my teachers, realizing how important of a lesson it is for me. It made me think of all those years I spent trying to be perfect and feeling like I was never good enough. Now I notice I am enjoying the imperfections because when a moment of perfection does occur, the perception of it seems heightened and I end up feeling truly blessed.
oh perfection! how boring! lol!
I'll take imperfection and it's charm any day of the week!
great post!!!
Hi Marcyanna !
I love this post ! I am learning to accept my own splendid imperfection. It is a life-long process I think. I am working at being a better me, the best me I can be, yet not to strive for perfection...no wonder I get confused sometimes !;) There are so many things that I do feel truly blessed for every single day though.
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog ! Knowing I inspire others with my litrtle piece of Blogland is one of those super blessings in my life !
Cheers !
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