Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meditation and the 'Art' of Gardening...

The weather has been so nice lately that I have been able to get out into the yard and start my gardening. It's really just yard work but calling it gardening makes it seem like less of a chore. I like to say that I am going out to meditate in nature!

There is a lot to do because I haven't been the best with keeping up with everything. I hurt my back many years ago and it has been very difficult to bend over, crouch and kneel to do what I need to do to keep the yard up. This year is different though. I started yoga about 2 1/2 months ago and I am feeling better every week. I now feel well enough to tackle many things that I have put off for years! Yeay!!!

Much has already been done but there is still lots to do! I am lucky to have my husband to help! He has been digging up the ground for me. I am hoping to have the garden about twice the size that you see already dug up. Right now it's about 6ft x 8ft.

I am planning on planting green beans, beets, grape or cherry tomatoes, peppers, Chinese turnips, and maybe carrots. I know it is late for some of these veggies but it is hard to get anything in earlier with my husband's and my schedules. So what ever comes up is great!

Some of the veggies will be planted in containers although probably not in the ones you see here. I think they have seen better days. If I can I will fix them but I am not optimistic about it.

I love being able to create not only my art but also my world or experience. I read a great book many years ago about becoming a 'Conscious Creator'... that is being conscious of all the choices we make and how they create the life that we experience. That includes the thoughts we choose to think and words we choose to say as well as the the actions we choose to take. I am choosing to take more time to do those things that make me happy. 'Meditating' in my 'Garden' is one of those things.

1 comment:

FAQ said...

Oh I love gardening too. ONly in the last few years have I begun to enjoy this other creative avenue. I have kind of a container garden that I nurture every evening and it is kind of a meditation when I go out there too. Lovely pics....good luck on your garden and I'm glad the yoga has helped you become more limber and physically able to do the things you love.